Join Dr Manuela Schoch, diving medicine physician, anesthesiologist, and GUE diver, as she talks about how Covid-19 can affect us as divers.
Suffering from Covid lockdown, young, poetic Italian explorer, instructor, and gear-maker, Andrea Murdock Alpini, decided to take social distancing to the max! He packed his specially...
Tried to purchase O2 sensors for your rebreather lately—to no avail? You are not alone. As Reilly Fogarty explains, there’s both a global shortage of sensors...
With local diving slowly opening in the wake of the pandemic, InDepth caught up with British cave explorer and educator Phil Short to see how he...
After a long winter—and an even longer coronavirus lockdown—nitrogen abstinence has reached its peak. Make sure you are prepared to safely head back underwater. DAN Europe...
L’Italia è stato uno dei primi paesi in Europa ad essere colpito dalla pandemia del Covid19. Abbiamo chiesto all’istruttrice subacquea Cristina Condemi di Reggio Calabria, di...
Italy was one of the first countries in Europe to be slammed by the Covid-19 pandemic. We asked diving instructor Cristina Condemi from Reggio Calabria, to...
A lot of us are facing boredom while we #stayhome. With all of this time out of the water, here are 25 things you can do...
Czech Diving Equipment Manufacturer Uses Expertise to Help Create Medical Ventilators. The brains at Czech Republic-based Divesoft are at it again, applying their engineering smarts to...