PRESS RELEASE High Springs, FL—Project diving has always been one of the core principles of Global Underwater Explorers. Defined as: a goal-orientated scientific, educational, explorational and/or...
PRESS RELEASE Lake City, FL | USA – Nitrox, the IANTD diving Magazine, is poised to make a splash in the world of diving following its...
Text and images by Michael Menduno unless noted. Lead image: The Halcyon booth at Boot 2024. Photo by Asutay Akbayir. The Buzz at Boot was Bainly...
Increased helium prices and reduced availability resulting from recent global shortages have created hard choices and challenged pocket books for tech divers and instructors. There are...
Karst Underwater Research (KUR) exploration divers Bob Beckner, and KUR executive director Matt Vinzant discuss their journey and experience with bailout rebreathers including a discussion of...
Halcyon Manufacturing plans to open a European Headquarters and dedicated fulfilment center in Gdańsk, Poland, with a focus upon exceptional customer service and easy access to...
Founder and president of Ocean Education Int’l, Dr. Alex Brylske explains his evolution from “reaper”—have chisel and hack saw, will pillage— to an environmentally-aware wreck diver...
What are the advantages of using rebreathers for cave diving? It’s a question that cave instructor and author Stratis Kas, and colleague Lionel Wolovitz explore in...
Rebreather instructor trainer Dave Gration takes us for a dive into one of the newest breathers on the block, the Lungfish Orca V6, which attracted lots...
Friday, March 15 – Saturday, March 16, 2024 Normalization of deviance is normal. The question is: What are you going to do about it? Leading EDGE is...