Introducing our new monthly series exploring wrecks from Bikini Atoll and Truk Lagoon in depth with this story by Martin Cridge, brought to you by the...
With divers soon returning to the loop, the Rebreather Training Council (RTC) is currently considering a number of initiatives to improve rebreather diving safety. One of...
Award-winning filmmaker, explorer and tech instructor Nathalie Lasselin spent 30 hours underwater braving a 70-kilometer stretch of the St Lawrence River surrounding Montreal, in the interest...
Last September, InDepth presented new data-driven models to predict the risk of pulmonary oxygen toxicity on a dive, which arguably represent an advancement over the legacy...
What rebreather has arguably logged the most exploration kilometers since its market introduction in 1998—an estimated 160 km plus (100 miles plus for you Imperialists)—and continues...
Sport psychologist and British tech instructor Matt Jevon offers instructors an evidence-based approach to help their students break those ingrained ‘bad’ habits that hold back their...
If sumps and solo cave diving are, well, a bit too Brit for you, you may want to consider diving into the perfusion of flooded serpentine...
Tried to purchase O2 sensors for your rebreather lately—to no avail? You are not alone. As Reilly Fogarty explains, there’s both a global shortage of sensors...
Most tech divers track their oxygen exposure on big and or long dives via computer using methods, such as REPEX OTUs, developed in the 1980s. The...
The late great decompression physiologist, Dr. R. W. “Bill” Hamilton played a unique role in the early development and emergence of technical diving. Listen to “Dr....