Errors are normal and can help us learn as long as we understand the kind of error we made, and how it made sense for us...
The "Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy" summarized it neatly: Don’t Panic! For good reason: taken together panic/anxiety/stress have been ranked as one the top three risk...
by David Charash DO, CWS, FACEP, FUHM. Header image of Fitness In Diving’s first guest, shipwreck explorer and historian Richie Kohler talking with Charash. Photos courtesy...
We’ve all heard the mantra, “Choose your instructor carefully!” Wise words, right? What about choosing your students? Here Stratis Kas, tech diving instructor and author of...
Experts and those with in depth experience tend to have very different decision-making processes, making it harder for students to learn from them than from newer...
What causes individuals and organizations to drift from acceptable standards and behavior? Is it an aberration or something to expect, and what can we do about...
With divers soon returning to the loop, the Rebreather Training Council (RTC) is currently considering a number of initiatives to improve rebreather diving safety. One of...