Rebreather instructors Michael and Josh Thornton describe how to calibrate your Shearwater-equipped rebreather to dive at altitude; it’s something they do frequently. Are you ready to...
How would you like to spend four days with a group of passionate adventurers on an island in southern Italy, diving rebreathers on submerged seamounts, getting...
With a growing number of users making the transition, sidemount rebreathers are the “New New Thing” in diving technology, especially in cave country. Here, award-winning underwater...
Thinking about bringing your rebreather on one of Faith Ortins’ Blue Green Expeditions to the Antarctic? What makes you think it will work? John Heine, Diving...
Coral reefs occupy less than one percent of the ocean floor, yet 25% of all marine life call coral reefs home. But, their homes are being...
A note from GUE founder and president Jarrod Jablonski on the past 20 years of Global Underwater Explorers.