Meet Scuba Force’s SF2
Continuing with our review of tech rebreathers, we take a deep dive into the Scuba Force’s SF2 eCCR, launched in 2012. Scuba Force founder and president Horst Dederichs, who designed the DIR-friendly unit which integrates electronic controls with a passive semiclosed rebreather (PSCR), explains the philosophy and details behind his lovechild. Meanwhile, instructors Jens O. Meissner and Helmut Spangler review SF2 diving operations.

InDEPTH: InDEPTH’s Holiday Rebreather Guide 2023

aquaCORPS #7 C2 (Closed Circuit) was published in January 1994 just prior to the 1994 tek.Conference and DEMA show held in New Orleans, LA. The issue focused on rebreather technology, and we planned it as a primer in anticipation of aquaCORPSRebreather Forum, scheduled to be held in Key West, FL, that coming May. At the time, there were only a few dozen rebreathers in the hands of sport divers. Sponsored by Divesoft