Inspired by “search for extraterrestrial intelligence” or SETI, project leader Dr. David Gruber and an eclectic band of scientists and researchers seek to decipher the language...
Professional mermaid Linden Wolbert, once dubbed “Mermaid to the Stars,” shares her personal journey from master diver into the watery world of mermaiding and exactly how...
Halcyon Dive Systems has teamed up with Project Baseline to produce PB branded wings that will be for direct order from Halcyon or a Halcyon Dealer...
Header photo by Joakim Hjelm Trash has become a big problem, and the pandemic is making it worse. Join GUE and Ghost Diving Global on June...
Lake Tomarata and the surrounding wetlands near Auckland, New Zealand were mistakenly believed to be low-value habitat with limited--to--no biodiversity. That’s until water quality scientist Ebi...
By Ariel SilvermanHeader image courtesy of Matthew Lawrence/NOAA. Divers in the sanctuary may encounter areas with bountiful marine life. Here cod swim under the remains of...
Maritime archeologist Matt Carter discusses what brought him to Chuuk Lagoon and his quest to call attention to the oil leaking from WWII shipwrecks, the focus...
InDEPTH editor and designer Amanda White poses the BIG questions to environmental activist Captain Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and the architect behind...
Water quality scientist Ebi Hussain led a Project Baseline citizen science team to determine what was happening to New Zealand’s Lake Rototoa mussel population. Crying cockles...
There’s no doubt that Florida’s Springs are imperiled. Most are flowing 30% to 50% less now than their historical average and are suffering from eutrophication. However,...