What the Duck? A Hackers Guide to #DivesoftDuck Acronyms
Divers can and do obsess about many things, and some are drawn to create order when there is none. Enter Big F*cking Duck Lover (BFDL), who felt compelled to bring some order to the mindless menagerie of rubber ducks unleashed on the market by Czech rebreather makers Divesoft in their quest for big, bold, brand recognition. In this photo essay, BFDL classifies the rubber ducks you might come across with the appropriate expletive-filled acronyms! Here’s what deco diving duck lovers need to know.

Text and Images courtesy of a Big F*cking Duck Lover (BFDL). Note, NO ducks were harmed in the making of this story nor were brands shown here consulted in the creation of this post.
Big Ducks
Big Fucking Duck (BFD)
- aka Huge Fucking Duck (HFD)
- aka Giant Fucking Duck (GFD)
- aka Colossal Quacker (CQ)

Small Ducks
Little Fucking Duck (LFD)
- aka Tiny Fucking Duck (TFD)
- aka Wee Fucking Duck (WFD)

DEMA Ducks
High-Quality Fucking Duck (HQFD)
- aka Stickered-Up Fucking Duck (SUFD)

Badass Ducks
Scooter Ridin’ Motherfuckin’ Duck (SRMFD)
- aka Fly-As-Fuck Canyon Duck (FFCD)
- aka Motherf*cking Cave Diving Duck (MFCDD)

Duck Merch: Rubber Ducks 4 Sale

Big F*cking Duck Lover (BFDL) is a passionate, hypoxic DUCK 3 diver cum quack with a kink for rubber duckies of all colors, especially when in, on or under the water. Of course, BFDLs prefer Divesoft ducks whenever possible. What the duck people?!?