The Leading EDGE Workshop: Not your average refresher

Friday, March 15 – Saturday, March 16, 2024
Normalization of deviance is normal. The question is: What are you going to do about it?
Leading EDGE is back for its fourth year of bringing your diving back in line with your original GUE training. Join divers and instructors from around the world for two days of diving, prescriptive instruction, land drills, lectures and skill development on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia.
Much like your original training, you’ll spend your time in the water with an instructor in small teams re-establishing proficiency at the training level you wish to refresh (Fundies, Tech 1, CCR 1, etc). This is an awesome opportunity to achieve your tech pass and prepare for further training. Plus, when the diving is done for the day, you’ll enjoy world-class presentations from incredible speakers, fully catered dinners, and an opportunity to win some amazing prizes from our very generous sponsors!
Thermocline Diving
Thermocline Diving provides GUE training, Human Factors courses, project and expedition logistics and full support for gas and CCR needs during your training and exploration diving. Thermocline Diving runs training and exploration dives from their 47′ dive vessel, the MV Thermocline, which was designed for exploration and training on the inside waters of coastal Vancouver Island.
Info/signup link: Leading Edge Performance Workshop 4.0