Each year a group of divers heads to the Red Sea for a week long dive trip and photo shoot for GUE and Halcyon Dive Systems.
Coral reefs occupy less than one percent of the ocean floor, yet 25% of all marine life call coral reefs home. But, their homes are being...
The images in our gallery are hand-picked based on their ability to highlight one of our pillars: Education, Conservation, Exploration, or Community.
During the 2017 Fiji Expedition on board the m/y Ad-Vantage, Project Baseline volunteers conducted a series of dives to collect data that will be used for...
A note from GUE founder and president Jarrod Jablonski on the past 20 years of Global Underwater Explorers.
Helpful Tips to Improve Your Diving Each month we provide a series of tips and tricks from instructors and active explorers. This first set of videos come from...
By Michael Menduno *This article has been updated from this version to the 30 Deepest Shipwrecks and new wrecks have been added after reader feedback. The...
By Gareth Lock What do the following all have in common? All of them represent mental models that I had or had developed as I learned...
Global Underwater Explorers (GUE), a nonprofit diving organization, is celebrating its 20th year of educating divers and encouraging them to become explorers and conservationists of the...