Third party rebreather testing is expensive and arguably provides limited data to users and or rebreather builders about scrubber performance. As such, it is rarely used...
PRESS RELEASE Every year in May, Buddy Dive Resort turns into CCR heaven! Also, coming up in 2023, Your Buddies on Bonaire are back with a...
By Simon Pridmore PRESS RELEASE “Simon Pridmore’s new book Technically Speaking is an outstanding tour de force from one of modern diving’s most accomplished practitioners and...
The pursuit of deep diving records is an unsettling but accepted facet of tech diving culture. On the one hand, we are driven as a species...
Numerous divers have died trying to break scuba depth records over the years, and the losses continue. Their deaths not only impact their families, friends and...
Dr. Clarke’s geeky new monograph on the inner workings of rebreather scrubbers represents the culmination and synthesis of more than three decades of Naval research, as...
PRESS RELEASE Introducing Dive Current, A Youtube channel with the purpose of encouraging, educating and entertaining people from all walks of life. In a world of...
We kick off the New Year with 10 hand-curated stories from our growing sea of content. They represent some of the most read, important, and fun...
Karen van den Oever recently broke her own world cave diving depth record by a little more than 10m/33 ft at Bushmansgat cave in South Africa....
His new book, Between The Devil and The Deep, which was released last summer, delved into the ordeal of British cave instructor Martin Robson, who suffered...