In the early 1990s, when newly named “tech divers” were dying at an alarming rate, the fledgling tech community came together to create a consensus standard...
More than 20 years before the emergence of technical diving, a handful of intrepid cave divers who were perilously pushing the limits of air diving, began...
다이빙 날짜: 1989년 3월 28일장소: 멕시코 시에라 데 쿠차 라스 산맥의 나시 미 엔 토 델 리오 만테 (Nacimiento Del Rio Mante in the Sierra de Cucharas...
Date of Dive: 3.28.89Location: Nacimiento Del Rio Mante in the Sierra de Cucharas mountains, MexicoDepth: 867 ffw/265 mfwBottom Time: 24 minutesRun Time: 13 hours 52 minBottom...
Header image by Kirill Egorov April 1—This week, National Speleological Society-Cave Diving Section (NSS-CDS) guide and veteran cave diver Rick Crawford discovered a new passage in...
It’s fair to say that technical diving—specifically cave diving—would not be what it is, nor would we be diving as deep, for as long, or as...
by Sheck Exley, October, 1992. Header image: Seventeen year-old Sheck Exley displays his newly set depth record at Zuber Sink [later renamed Forty Fathom Grotto], just...