What is more important, training or experience? And when is a course—you bought a new DPV did you?—preferable to learning on your own? Tech educator and...
Tech diver Brendan Lund shares his personal diving journey from summitting Mount Stupid and descending into the depths of Despair on trimix, before finally beginning his...
Greek cave instructor and filmmaker Stratis Kas explores some of the unstated myths about tech diving and offers up some hard-won consensus reality.
No one will be surprised to learn that GUE’s got its own somewhat contrarian approach to rebreather diving. Scottish wrecker, Andy Pilley, contrasts GUE’s CCR Diver...
L’Italia è stato uno dei primi paesi in Europa ad essere colpito dalla pandemia del Covid19. Abbiamo chiesto all’istruttrice subacquea Cristina Condemi di Reggio Calabria, di...
Italy was one of the first countries in Europe to be slammed by the Covid-19 pandemic. We asked diving instructor Cristina Condemi from Reggio Calabria, to...
As you may know, GUE advocates adding helium to your breathing mix when diving beyond 30 m/100 ft. But the recommendation is not just limited to...
Situational awareness is critical to diving safety, right? But how much of your mental capacity should be devoted to situational monitoring, e.g., How deep am I?...
Cave explorer, photographer and instructor Natalie L Gibb wants to make “taking pictures” the sixth rule accident analysis. How can toting a camera underground get you...
What did a 56-year old PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor with 30-years of experience take away from her “Fundies” class? OZTek owner/operator Sue Crowe reports a...
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