The efforts to explore and map Hranice Abyss, located in Hranice (Přerov District) in the Czech Republic span more than a century. Currently, the monstrous chasm...
In this first of a four-part series, Global Underwater Explorers’ (GUE) founder and president Jarrod Jablonski explores the historical development of GUE decompression protocols, with a...
The luxury steam yacht Gunilda was the flagship of the New York Yacht Club and the pride of its owner, oil baron William Harkness, one of...
Watch the digitized version of DIR 2004, along with two additional DVDs of videos, which provide an up close and personal view of the young GUE...
Here in this 2004 white paper, Jablonski presents the rationale, controversy, and evolution of the Doing It Right (DIR) system, discusses the rise of alternative DIR...
Dive into history with this video from the GUE archives on the importance of groundwater studies and how karsts develop and influence groundwater flow, circa 1995....
The following article originally appeared in the February 1996 issue of Atlas Travel Magazine but has been adapted and updated. You can watch the original documentary...
Karstdive 95 was a joint research and exploration project conducted by the Woodville Karst Plain Project (WKPP) and (SAD) in cooperation with the International Research and...
A note from GUE founder and president Jarrod Jablonski on the past 20 years of Global Underwater Explorers.
By Michael Menduno *This article has been updated from this version to the 30 Deepest Shipwrecks and new wrecks have been added after reader feedback. The...