Mix together strong coffee, GUE divers, err models, dancing, a liveaboard, and six-day photoshoot on the Red Sea and you would have the annual Creative Trip...
Instructor trainer Guy Shockey discusses the purpose, value, and yes, flexibility of standard operating procedures, or SOPs, in diving. Sound like an oxymoron? Shockey explains how...
The Finnish dive team Badewanne has helped complete the documentary “Fluit,” about the 17th century Dutch fluyt shipwreck, The Swan, they discovered at a depth of...
GUE Instructor Examiner Guy Shockey explains the thought and details that goes into GUE’s most popular course, Fundamentals, aka “Fundies,” which has been taken by numerous...
Are you able to calculate your decompression for a 40-50m/130-165 ft dive using only your average depth and bottom time? Here British techmeister Rich Walker further...
If you thought that the Riviera Maya had given up most of her secrets, think again. Underground expats Emőke Wagner, László Cseh, and Bjarne Knudsen managed...
Tech instructor and musico Francesco Cameli reports on a recent team dive traversing the two humongous rocks that bookmark the San Pedro Channel, max depth 70m/230...
Header photo by Joakim Hjelm Trash has become a big problem, and the pandemic is making it worse. Join GUE and Ghost Diving Global on June...
One of tech’s favorite dive impresarios, David Strike—think OZTek and ADEX—reviews GUE’s newly released, "The Fundamentals Of Better Diving," and contrasts it with Jarrod Jablonski’s original...
What rebreather has arguably logged the most exploration kilometers since its market introduction in 1998—an estimated 160 km plus (100 miles plus for you Imperialists)—and continues...