How did Electrolung inventor Walter Starck and his cronies decompress from dives to 100m/326 ft before the advent of dive computers or even constant PO2 tables?...
Maritime archeologist Matt Carter discusses what brought him to Chuuk Lagoon and his quest to call attention to the oil leaking from WWII shipwrecks, the focus...
Fourth Element gives us some ideas for holiday gifts for divers!
Fourth Element co-founder Jim Standing gets warm and fuzzy on the virtues of undergarment layering, and some of the specifics of Fourth Elements thermal options. No...
OK, admit it. If you don’t already have a diver propulsion vehicle or two, it's likely on your Lust List. Here's a DPV shopping guide comparing...
Wouldn’t it be great to have your essential swim metrics right in front of your face, so you wouldn’t have to slow down to steal a...
Czech Republic-based Divesoft upended the helium analysis market with their patented accoustic-based helium/oxygen analyzer, which they launched in 2013. What are they up to now?
Something borrowed, something new: Guy Shockey shares some tricks on fitting a borrowed backplate to make sure your straps and D-rings are in the right place.
Thinking about bringing your rebreather on one of Faith Ortins’ Blue Green Expeditions to the Antarctic? What makes you think it will work? John Heine, Diving...
In our new, five-episode equipment series, GUE Instructor Dorota Czerny discusses the differences between a GUE-configured equipment set, consisting of a single tank, backplate, harness, wing,...