Lead photo by Julian Muehlenhaus. Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) has been an innovator in diving education since its inception in 1998. The not-for-profit training agency was instrumental...
By Ulrik Juul Christensen, Jennifer Thomson, & Dorota Czerny. Photos by Julian Muehlenhaus unless noted. A transformational course for existing divers not aiming for the technical...
By Graham Blackmore. Photos courtesy of Jesper Kjøller. Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) Fundamentals is here – It is a CCR class you can do if you’re...
International Training (IT) CEO Brian Carney has an important message that dive professionals need to hear and take to heart if we are to reduce tech’s...
by Lisa Shafe. Photos and video courtesy of BSAC. The British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) holds a special place in the history of diving. On 15th October,...
By Mike Rowley & Nick Jewson. Photos courtesy of BSAC and the authors unless noted. BSAC was initially reluctant over nitrox. Indeed, in 1993, a senior...
Not surprising, the answer is more complicated than simply, they neglected to look at their gauges. Here Aussie diving medical researcher and former editor of DAN’s...
by Peter Buzzacott Header photo by Kirill Egorov See companion story: Why Do Divers Run Out of Gas? In short, it is not known with any...
Situational awareness is critical to diving safety, right? But how much of your mental capacity should be devoted to situational monitoring, e.g., How deep am I?...