Explorer and author Andrea Murdock Alpini sits down with deep diving pioneer and cave explorer Nuno Gomes to discuss his approach to deep diving and what...
DAN Europe's Cristian Pellegrini turns up the pressure on two deep record-holding cave explorers!
Deep Dive Dubai announced the opening of its 60 meter deep diving pool—the deepest in the world. Here Deep Dive's marketing manager and GUE Tech instructor...
Are you able to calculate your decompression for a 40-50m/130-165 ft dive using only your average depth and bottom time? Here British techmeister Rich Walker further...
It’s fair to say that technical diving—specifically cave diving—would not be what it is, nor would we be diving as deep, for as long, or as...
How deep are the deepest cave dives today, compared to those three decades ago when technical diving was just getting started? InDepth editor-in-chief Michael Menduno and...
By Jim Bowden, March 7, 1998 Header image: Explorer Jim Bowden surveys Zacatón. All photos courtesy of Jim Bowden and Proyecto de Buceo Espeleologico Mexico y...
Extreme depths, varying visibility, acidic water, and an unbreathable surface layer of CO2 gas, make the Czech Republic’s Hranice Abyss—the deepest freshwater sinkhole in the world—a...