Divers still seek comfort in the notion of the “underserved” hit to explain unexpected incidents of decompression sickness. “Hey, my computer said I was fine.” NOT....
If you’re diving beyond 150 m/490 ft you’re likely to experience the effects of High Pressure Nervous Syndrome (HPNS). Here InDepth’s science geek Reilly Fogarty discusses...
What does it mean if you keep getting bent, even when you follow all the rules? Avid tech diver James Fraser recounts his and his wife’s...
Historically tech diving has been largely male-dominated, but you only have to look around to see that things are changing. For the better! Accordingly, we thought...
In the final of this four-part series on the history and development of tech decompression protocols, GUE founder and president, Jarrod Jablonski weaves together various forays...