By Katie McWilliams. Photos courtesy of Zen Dive Co. The Avalon Underwater Cleanup has a rich history of uniting the diving community in the name of...
How does one become an explorer? It’s a question that has nagged diving educator and innovator Guy Shockey for more than ten years. Last year, he...
Text and images by Jill Heinerth. Header image: Wes diving at his neighborhood cave, the Devil’s System, Ginnie Springs. Wes was one of the great catalysts...
We’d like to kick off the new year with a selection of 11 hand-curated stories from our deepening well of content, call it, InDepth’s Top Tech...
Belgium service member, cave explorer and tech instructor Kurt Storms takes us for a dive into the Ressel cave system located in Lot. Get out your...
by Edd StockdaleHeader image: Antarctic research as part of Science Under the Ice project Photo by @scienceundertheice. While exploring the aquatic realm, many divers often encounter...
Finnish tech instructor and explorer Jani Niskanen takes us for a plunge into the underwater world of South China Karst, which was designated a UNESCO World...
The Finnish dive team Badewanne has helped complete the documentary “Fluit,” about the 17th century Dutch fluyt shipwreck, The Swan, they discovered at a depth of...
British Cave Diving Group (CDG) training officer Michael Thomas reports on his find at Wookey Hole—he and his team including his son Robert uncovered a mass...
Tech instructor and musico Francesco Cameli reports on a recent team dive traversing the two humongous rocks that bookmark the San Pedro Channel, max depth 70m/230...