There are only a handful of 100-meter-deep caves in Quintana Roo, Mexico, so when a colleague suggested he may have found another one, cave instructor/explorer Skanda...
Emőke Wagner, Bjarne Knudsen, and László Cseh, continue on their chosen mission to explore, survey, and map as much of Riviera Maya’s underground waterways as humanly...
While tech divers thrill in the joys of mixed gas, reef drift diving, Rob Neto and his team continue to plumb the Cozumel underground, emptying their...
You may think explorers are coming up empty handed after nearly 40 years of scooping booty in Maya Riviera cave systems. You’d be wrong. Explorers Bjarne...
The Mexican government is racing to build a passenger train corridor through the heart of Riviera Maya cave country, and the cenοtes and underground waterways are...