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The Who’s Who of Sidemount



Mike Young

Mike Young is best known as the former owner of KISS Rebreathers and the inventor of the KISS Sidekick and Sidewinder mCCR, however, he is also an avid and accomplished cave explorer. Mike has been involved in many exploration projects in the US, Mexico, Central America, and discovered a Mayan vase in the Yucatan that dates back 1300 years.

Was there an epiphany moment for you with sidemount?

My special  moment with sidemount was when I was exploring a cave, and I couldn’t get through to the next room because of a restriction. I quickly fixed up a weight belt and some bungees with alum 80’s and made it through!!!

What’s next in CCR sidemount diving?

I’m not sure. Probably longer run times and more streamlined.

Was there an epiphany moment for you with sidemount?

The magic moment for me was not the ability to transport equipment easily underground or being able to move easily in low cave passage. These things just happened naturally as sidemount was what we used to cave dive. However, the first time I used a xDeep Classic harness with the ability to place weights down the spine of the harness rather than around the waist like a classic CDG harness, it was the game changer for me. No more back ache from pressure on the lower spine and better trim overnight. Iʼm not sponsored by xDeep or have any financial involvement with the company, but they have changed the game in my opinion.  I still use my xDeep harness today.

When does a diver need a sidemount CCR the most and why?

Sidemount CCR is not needed by most divers. Most are not pushing small caves. But those that do need it to be small and flexible to get them through the tight spots and back out safely.

Sidemount CCR is often used as a second or bailout CCR. What’s your opinion on that?

It needs to be viewed as dual CCRs. If you go for hours on a primary CCR then “bailout” to a unit that fails 15 minutes into the dive you have a problem. Just like managing your open circuit gas you should use and maintain both units all through the dive.

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YouTube: Mike Young of KISS Rebreathers speaks
