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We’ve updated the IANTD branding to keep up with the times, adapt to the expectations of new potential customers, and convey an image of modernity and innovation to our partners and users. One of the objectives of this rebranding campaign was filtering out all the information contained in the various symbols used to identify the company in the past. We will now use just one brand that represents the whole of our work. We chose the following set (“Brand”), symbol (“Brandmark”), and letters (“Logotype”): 


Initially, in most applications, we will use the complement with the description of the acronym to make the user (new or old) visually aware that this is the company’s new Brand. In some materials (for internal use or in very small applications), we can use the Brand without this complement. 

The Brandmark 

Our Brandmark, instead of a detailed image of a diver, is now a pair of stylized fins that cross and form an X: a letter that appears frequently in the technical diving vocabulary. The X is also a striking letter—it forms a marker in our subconscious—like the location of something important. 

Fins are also a very important part of diving, and their use and basic design will likely not change anytime soon. Including them in the Brandmark will ensure relevance for many years to come. It is also an easily identifiable, light, and modern symbol that can be used in a variety of ways and enhance a wide range of products and materials. The Logotype itself uses a modern, technological font (Neo Sans). Sans serif and with a subtle combination of lines and curves, it conveys a sense of modernity and dominance in its Medium and Bold versions. Throughout In the Brand assets, we’ve modified the original font in some details to be more in tune with the fins.

About Use 

We have prepared a detailed Brand Usage Guide for our employees, business partners, and licensees. This Guide provides criteria for the correct use of the brand in the most frequent situations and helps to avoid mistakes made in relation to one of our greatest assets: our Corporate Image, or the perception that customers, employees, competitors, and the market as a whole have of our company. The Guide will help us maintain a strong, uniform, and organized image, leaving little room for improvisation. 

For example, a delicate issue is the use of the Badge: previously, it was (mistakenly) used to identify the company on sign posts and advertisements. Now, the Badge should be used only in specific situations, leaving the task of signing and identifying the company to the Brandmark. This is the most natural route; it is more identifiable, clean, and legible at any size. It also contains the minimum information necessary to identify a company with efficiency and clarity. 

This is the new IANTD Badge, which now includes the full Brandmark and retains a few additions. The yellow background has been replaced by a phosphorescent green that pays homage to another diving accessory: the traditional underwater watch. We will restrict its use since the ample details and color can be visually distracting in medium and small sizes and in advertising signage. 


Sports brands have to worry more and more about being at the cutting edge; their audiences are always changing, rejuvenating, and looking for news and innovation. A company concerned with being at the forefront of their industry must adapt its image, products, and services to meet this demand. We, therefore, believe that with this important change, we are reserving and securing a place for the brand in the future. 

We already have tradition and pioneering spirit—and now we are adding innovation and modernity to our image. 


InDEPTH: Are You Ready for “NITROX”—The new IANTD Diving Magazine?

InDEPTH: Tom Mount (1939-2022) Brought Considerable Depth and Experience to Technical Diving  by Simon Pridmore

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  • Shearwater Perdix
  • Dive Rite
  • History of Diving Museum
  • Buddy Dive
  • DAN Travel Insurance
  • Lombardi Undersea
  • Halcyon
  • Area 9
  • DAN Membership
  • Suex
  • Scuba Force
  • Extreme Exposure


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