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InDEPTH’s Guide To U/W TikTok



Compiled by by Grace Winfree. Lead image by Georgina Brown.

Alex KyddalexkyddphotoNature and travel photographer.
aggielandscubaaggieland scubaYour local dive shop, no matter where you live.
Amber BourkeamberoftheseaDeepest female freediver in Australia.
Anesti VegaanestivegaScuba instructor, ocean scientist, aquanaut, and explorer.
Argentina DivingargentinadivingRecreational and technical dive center based in Argentina.
Azul Unlimitedazul.unlimitedScuba diver/van life.
Bethy SCUBAnavigating_bethyScuba instructor for kids.
Blue Alchemy Freedivingbluealchemyfreediving Competitive Freediver
Brandee Anthonybrandee_anthonyDiver, mermaid, photographer, and traveler.
Buddy Dive Resort BonairebuddydiveresortDive into Bonaire.
Cenote Girlcenote_girlTechnical diving instructor based in Mexico.
ChrishartdiversintlDiver with a passion for our oceans, wildlife, and exploration.
Deep Dive DubaideepdivedubaiDeepest swimming pool in the world.
Devina Wijayascuba.devGUE diver engaging with the community through humor, memes, and a touch of tech.
Dive AddictsdiveaddictsSharing love for the underwater world & scuba diving w/ training, travel & gear.
Dive GurusthedivegurusPADI dive center based in Mexico.
Dive Love TraveldivelovetravelScuba diving instructors and travelers.
Divers Alert NetworkdiversalertnetworkWorld’s leading dive safety association.
dive_into.lifedive_into.lifeMind-blowing diving experiences.
Dive_Zone_Whitiangadive_zone_whitiangaScuba diving and free diving.
DivesoftdivesoftHigh-tech products designed specifically for top technical and cave divers.
Gabby Abouhassangabriella613_Scuba instructor, marine conservationist, and traveler.
Girls that ScubagirlsthatscubaWorld’s largest scuba diving community for women.
Girls That CCRgirlthatccrEmpowering girls into CCR.
Halcyon Dive SystemshalcyondivesystemsScuba diving equipment manufacturer for recreational and technical divers.
Hannah | Professional Explorersimplyhannah1Mermaid.
ImmersionFDimmersionfdFreediver to 297 feet who teaches people to freedive deeper, stay longer, and be safer.
InDEPTH Magazineindepth.magazineMagazine for technical and mission-oriented diving.
ItaliansharkmanitaliansharkmanFreediver and shark lover.
Jacinta | Ocean Videographyjacintashackleton_Ocean photographer/videographer and marine biologist.
JillHeinerthjillheinerthCave diver, underwater explorer, writer, photographer, and filmmaker.
JordsblueworldjordsblueworldOcean advocate, nature explorer, and founder of “The Thresher Project.”
Kenny Dyalkenny_dyalHost of “The Scuba Diving Podcast.”
Mads Oceanmads_oceanMarine biologist and wildlife photographer.
Marcelin NebenhausdivethecaveCave diving instructor and guide based in Mexico.
Mermaid BrynrealmermaidbrynMermaid.
mermaid.kayleighmermaid.kayleighOcean lover.
Modern Diver ChannelmoderndiverEducating modern divers and showcasing shipwrecks.
Nancy Shark Divernancydietrich1313Shark lover.
Nick Fazahcpt.nickfazahCapt. Nick here, full time Scuba/Freediving instructor, boat Cpt & water mammal
Nicole AlaridnicalaridCave diver and underwater/nature photographer.
nolanomuranolanomuraUnderwater creator.
Olivia | Fully SubmergedfullysubmergedScuba comedy by a PADI Staff Instructor/Dive Safety Officer.
PADIpadiTraining agency for recreational divers.
Reel DivingreeldivingScuba diving equipment distributor based in Northern Europe.
rsv507rsvBeautiful girls underwater.
SANTI DIVINGsantidiving_officialScuba diving equipment manufacturer of drysuits, undersuits, and heating systems.
Scuba Diver JoescubadiverjoeInformative/educational PADI “Ambassadiver” based in the UK.
scuba divingscubaprooScuba diving and underwater photography.
Scuba Diving IntlsdidiversTraining agency for recreational divers.
Scuba Diving MagazinescubadivingmagMagazine for scuba diving.
SCUBAPROscubapro.officialScuba diving equipment manufacturer.
TabithatabithalipkinDive Master, former Miss Scuba International, and comedian.
taylortaylor_thesailorScuba instructor and environmentalist.
Technical Diving InternationaltdidivingTraining agency for technical divers.
thedivememethedivememeScuba diving memes from a CMAS diver.
Tom | Scuba Diving & OceannarkedtomInspiring people to love the ocean with humor.
Tom Park PhotographyunderwaterdudeProfessional underwater filmmaker and PADI ambassador.
William Drummwilliam.drummUnderwater wildlife photographer/videographer.
Woody AlpernwoodydivetalkHost of Dive Talk.

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  • Suex
  • Scuba Force
  • DAN Travel Insurance
  • Halcyon
  • Extreme Exposure
  • History of Diving Museum Florida
  • Shearwater Perdix
  • Lombardi Undersea
  • Buddy Dive Bonaire
  • Dive Rite
  • Area 9
  • DAN Membership


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