GUE Global Cleanup Weekend

Header photo by Joakim Hjelm
Trash has become a big problem, and the pandemic is making it worse. Join GUE and Ghost Diving Global on June 5th-6th for a worldwide aquatic cleanup event to honor World Oceans Day. Grab some folks in your local community and head to your closest body of water for a cleanup dive or a shoreline cleanup.
How to Participate
You can participate by simply walking around your neighborhood or along a body of water and cleaning up trash on your own, or you can do something as complex as organizing a dive with your local community to clean up a stretch of one of your dive sites.
Please register for the event so we can send you some materials for recording your efforts.
During your cleanup, share photos or videos using #GUEvTrash on Facebook or Instagram.
After your cleanup is over, you’ll be asked to submit a form telling us how much trash your team collected (in kg or lbs), how many people were on your team, and where your cleanup took place.
Please make sure to follow your region’s COVID-19 guidelines.
Plastics are only one of the many issues facing the health of our oceans, rivers, lakes, springs, and caves. To make a difference, we need to perform a number of small actions. But, in order to make an even greater difference, and to keep our waters diveable, we also need to get involved, using our voices to influence the actions of businesses and governments.