What rebreather has arguably logged the most exploration kilometers since its market introduction in 1998—an estimated 160 km plus (100 miles plus for you Imperialists)—and continues...
Divesoft’s factory instructor trainer Jakub Šimánek presents the design philosophy and considerations behind the creation of its family of Liberty rebreathers, which feature fully-redundant electronics that...
Retired French Naval officer Axel Barbaud estimates that his company’s new product dubbed “O’Dive”—an innovative personalized safety tool—has the potential to reduce the diving community’s risk...
Listen up divers! Audio engineer turned techie, Symeon Manias is bringing 3D audio to the underwater world to provide a more immersive and convincing auditory experience...
Czech Diving Equipment Manufacturer Uses Expertise to Help Create Medical Ventilators. The brains at Czech Republic-based Divesoft are at it again, applying their engineering smarts to...
To celebrate the end of GUE’s 20th anniversary, and its membership magazine Quest’s 20th anniversary, we are re-publishing Jablonski’s article about the Britannic project that ran...
Wouldn’t it be great to have your essential swim metrics right in front of your face, so you wouldn’t have to slow down to steal a...
Tech diver and doctoral student, Payal Razdan, offers an in-depth review of the options available to women tech divers for answering the call of nature.
Will going “keto” i.e. eating a low-carb, high-fat diet, help you lose weight, boost your endurance and most importantly protect you from CNS oxygen toxicity on...
Rebreather instructors Michael and Josh Thornton describe how to calibrate your Shearwater-equipped rebreather to dive at altitude; it’s something they do frequently. Are you ready to...