Ken Stewart has found purpose in going underwater. In addition to training over 500 young black and brown divers, his...
"The Great Dive Podcast" hosts James Mott and Brando Schwartz, share their summer vacation adventures diving the amazingly-preserved shipwrecks in Isle Royale National Park in Lake...
Shipwreck explorers Sébastien Pelletier, who also serves as editor-in-chief of En Profondeur, joins up with Kevin Brown to report on their 2021 expedition to the St....
Lying more than 110 meters deep in the remote frigid depths of the Great Lakes’ Lake Michigan, the "Carl D Bradley" has remained an elusive target...
Soft-spoken Irish shipwreck explorer, instructor and image maker, Barry McGill takes us for a ocular tour of iconic Malin Head wrecks and more.
by Marinos Giourgas. Photos courtesy of the author unless noted. The Objective AegeanTec’s first JJ-CCR diving trip in Greece fulfilled a long held ambition. What better...
A Pioneer’s Journey by Howard Rosenstein With Forewords by Sylvia Earle and David Doubilet PRESS RELEASE Howard Rosenstein wasn’t just opening the first dive school in...
Until recently, diving the HMS Britannic meant a major expedition with special permitting and the funding to deal with the complex logistics involved in conducting this...
Shipwreck explorer, historian, and author Gary Gentile recounts the extraordinary tale of the search for the elusive U-111 sub—the sole missing shipwreck out of the nine...
After providing background on the history and development of “ghost diving,” i.e., the removal of Abandoned, Lost, or otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG), Symeon Manias and...