Named one of the “environmental heroes” of the 20th Century by Time Magazine, Captain Paul Watson, recounts the origins of deep sea mining, and the threat...
Growing up with cows and cornfields, it might have seemed unlikely that 36-year Jessica Keller would go on to become one of the bright lights in...
International Training (IT) CEO Brian Carney has an important message that dive professionals need to hear and take to heart if we are to reduce tech’s...
We are one breath away from being a drowning victim on every dive. It's a hard reality that divers need to understand and accept if we...
Tech educator and outdoor adventurer Guy Shockey takes us on his personal journey to throw off the shackles of a comfortable, temperature-controlled, well-fed and unchallenged life...
Increased helium prices and reduced availability resulting from recent global shortages have created hard choices and challenged pocket books for tech divers and instructors. There are...
Karst Underwater Research (KUR) exploration divers Bob Beckner, and KUR executive director Matt Vinzant discuss their journey and experience with bailout rebreathers including a discussion of...
Founder and president of Ocean Education Int’l, Dr. Alex Brylske explains his evolution from “reaper”—have chisel and hack saw, will pillage— to an environmentally-aware wreck diver...
What are the advantages of using rebreathers for cave diving? It’s a question that cave instructor and author Stratis Kas, and colleague Lionel Wolovitz explore in...
Rebreather instructor trainer Dave Gration takes us for a dive into one of the newest breathers on the block, the Lungfish Orca V6, which attracted lots...