Will going “keto” i.e. eating a low-carb, high-fat diet, help you lose weight, boost your endurance and most importantly protect you from CNS oxygen toxicity on...
The recent death of 41-year-old technical diver, Sebastian Marczewski, aka “Iron Diver,” during a failed attempted world record scuba dive to 333 m/1093 ft in Lake...
Having ear problems? You’re not alone! According to DAN, eustachian tubes and their associated ear injuries represent the single largest cause of dive injuries bar none....
If you’ve been active in the dive industry over the last two years, and/or bought any of Fourth Element’s uber-divewear, you’ve no doubt heard of Mission...
For the converted living in cold water environs, dry gloves are just what the doctor ordered, but newbies don’t necessarily regard them as handy, particularly when...
British tech pioneer and inventor Kevin Gurr has been building dive computers since the early 1990s, including the world’s first mixed gas diving computer, the VR3,...
This summer Richard Lundgren and his select team of the Mars veterans, aka Martians will return to the source to hopefully answer the question, “What was...