From sumping through Wookey with a pair of repurposed WWII Bomber O2 tanks filled with air, to wearing sidemount bailout rebreathers and conducting lengthy sub-100 meter...
Skanda Coffield Skanda is part of the next generation of cave instructors and explorers. Having developed his skills under Patrick Widmann and Kim Davidsson at Protec...
Jeff Loflin Jeff Loflin was one of the first international ambassadors for sidemount diving and was instrumental in helping to bring sidemount diving to the open...
Jill Heinerth Jill Heinerth, Into the Planet, is a world renown cave explorer, author and modern-day pioneer of sidemount diving. Her and Brian Kakuk wrote Sidemount...
Lamar Hires Cave diving pioneer, explorer, educator and inventor Lamar Hires is the founder and president of Dive Rite Ltd., Lake City, Florida and has been...
Woody Jasper Pioneering cave explorer Woody Jasper is considered by those in the know as the inventor, or grandfather of Florida-style sidemount diving. The soft spoken...
Marissa Eckert Marissa Eckert is a passionate explorer and full-time technical diving instructor, photographer and owner of Hidden Worlds Diving, who specializes in cave, rebreather, sidemount...
Steve Davis Steve is the producer and host of the acclaimed podcast, “Speaking Sidemount,” author of the books, “The Canterbury Wreck – A Diver’s Guide” and...
Mauro Bordignon Italian born Mauro is an explorer and professional cave and sidemount diving instructor, a GUE Fundamentals instructor and founder and owner of Mauro Bordignon...
Steve Lewis Steve is a long time dive-industry professional who makes his living as a training, marketing and product consultant for clients in the private and...