As counter-errorism expert Gareth Lock, principal of Human in The System, explains: the river of denial runs deep through the diving community as demonstrated by this...
Diver Alert Network’s Reilly Fogarty geeks out on new research by University of North Carolina biomedical researcher and current R.W. Hamilton Grant recipient Virginie Papadopoulou, Ph.D....
“What has it got in its pocketses, my precious?” GUE Instructor Guy Shockey reveals some of the unusually precious items that occupy his big Santi pockets...
GUE is mainly known for its technical and cave diving courses, but recently the organization has been making a push to educate divers at the recreational...
Conducting an incident and accident analysis after the event is relatively easy. Incident and accident prevention, or risk management, is much harder to do because we...
Prepare yourself to stay warm DURING a dive by staying warm BEFORE a dive.
In our new, five-episode equipment series, GUE Instructor Dorota Czerny discusses the differences between a GUE-configured equipment set, consisting of a single tank, backplate, harness, wing,...
Helpful Tips to Improve Your Diving Each month we provide a series of tips and tricks from instructors and active explorers. This first set of videos come from...
Is GUE’s Documentation Diver course worth your money and time? You may be wondering what is covered during this 4-day course. What are the topics? How...
By Gareth Lock What do the following all have in common? All of them represent mental models that I had or had developed as I learned...