Andrew Goring The owner of SUMP UK, Andy Goring is renowned for his minimalist style with respect to sidemount and cave diving equipment, along with the...
Mikko Paasi Owner of Koh Tao Divers, Finnish-born Mikko Paasi is known as one of the support divers of the Thai Cave Rescue in 2018. A...
Brian Kakuk Brian Kakuk was a former US Navy Diver and took part in some of the early cave exploration projects with Jill Heinerth at (check...
Audrey Cudel Audrey is a consummate sidemount diver and instructor, and also an underwater photographer. She is known for her attention to detail and supreme in-water...
Natalie Gibb Natalie L Gibb’s passion in life is underwater cave exploration and conservation. With her exploration partner Vincent Rouquette-Cathala, she has led her team to...
Bil Phillips Bil Phillips (1955-2017) was a pioneering cave explorer, cave and sidemount instructor and a mentor to cave divers and explorers for over a quarter...
Patrick Widmann Patrick is the co-owner of Protec Dive Centers in Mexico. A world class cave diver, instructor and explorer, Patrick is the inventor of the...
Steve Bogaerts Steve was a modern day pioneer of sidemount and cave diving. Formerly based in Mexico, Steve was a key player of the exploration of...
Brett B Hemphill Brett B Hemphill is a cave explorer who has assisted in exploring, mapping, and documenting many of the deepest, longest, and most unique,...
Phillip Lehman Phillip is a rare and incredibly multi-talented individual. He was one of the pioneers of graffiti art, is a music and film director, and...