Stories are at the heart of diving culture. Accordingly, we asked over 30 internationally recognized explorers, educators, engineers, pioneers and producers, who have each made significant...
Sidemount divers represent a large, vibrant, evolving community, call it a subtribe, within the cave, tech, and rec diving communities. Here InDEPTH chief Michael Menduno, sits...
Jeff Loflin Jeff Loflin was one of the first international ambassadors for sidemount diving and was instrumental in helping to bring sidemount diving to the open...
Skanda Coffield Skanda is part of the next generation of cave instructors and explorers. Having developed his skills under Patrick Widmann and Kim Davidsson at Protec...
Aleš Procháska Aleš Procháska is the co-founder and chief technology officer (CTO) of Divesoft and was responsible for developing the Liberty Sidemount rebreather and CCR Bailout...
Robin Cuesta Born in Paris, France Robin Cuesta is an avid cave explorer, cave, sidemount and rebreather instructor living in the town of Baubau, South-East Sulawesi,...
Tomasz “Michur” Michura Tomasz is a Polish technical diving instructor who is chiefly associated with sidemount, and owner of Sidemount Silesia. He has devoted most of...
Andy Davis Owner of Scuba Tech Philippines, Andy is a RAID, PADI TecRec, ANDI, BSAC, and SSI-qualified independent technical diving instructor who is best known for...
Andrew Goring The owner of SUMP UK, Andy Goring is renowned for his minimalist style with respect to sidemount and cave diving equipment, along with the...
Wes Skiles Born in 1958, the late Wesley Cofer Skiles was a cave diving pioneer, explorer, instructor, conservationist, and Emmy-winning underwater cinematographer /photographer, who died in...