You read about the science of hydrogen diving last month in a “A Case for Biochemical Decompression,” by former U.S. Navy researcher, Susan Kayar. Now read...
L’Italia è stato uno dei primi paesi in Europa ad essere colpito dalla pandemia del Covid19. Abbiamo chiesto all’istruttrice subacquea Cristina Condemi di Reggio Calabria, di...
Italy was one of the first countries in Europe to be slammed by the Covid-19 pandemic. We asked diving instructor Cristina Condemi from Reggio Calabria, to...
Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, along comes underground picture-maker SJ Alice Bennett, who is shedding new light on the dark, moody, twisting karst...
Unexploded naval mines are still a thing in the Adriatic. Authorities estimate there might be as many as 5000 of these deadly devices remaining in situ...
As you may know, GUE advocates adding helium to your breathing mix when diving beyond 30 m/100 ft. But the recommendation is not just limited to...
With the pandemic sweeping the planet right now, most of us aren’t able to go diving. But that doesn’t mean that your fitness has to suffer....
A lot of us are facing boredom while we #stayhome. With all of this time out of the water, here are 25 things you can do...
GUE President, Jarrod Jablonski extends well wishes and informs community of how COVID will affect GUE.
What did a 56-year old PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor with 30-years of experience take away from her “Fundies” class? OZTek owner/operator Sue Crowe reports a...