Text by InDepth. Photos by SJ Alice Bennett March 18-19, 2022, Maple Bay, British Columbia, Canada—Nearly 60 divers ranging from a few single-tank rec divers to...
By Katie McWilliams. Photos courtesy of Zen Dive Co. The Avalon Underwater Cleanup has a rich history of uniting the diving community in the name of...
Though most tech divers have heard of Tom Mount and the International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers (IANTD), it's likely only a few insiders know...
Sporting vegan diets, yoga, meditation, breath work and plenty of Mucinex, freedivers are often considered to be the woke, hippy contingent of the diving community—backpacks anyone?...
Breath-hold diving as a whole, particularly spearfishing, does not have a good safety record due to the large percentage of breath-hold divers who are untrained, but...
What do you get when you cross a diver’s inner Wim Hof with the urge to exercise their mammalian dive reflex? Freediving cold enough to take...
EXPLORING THE MAJESTY OF THE UNDERWATER WORLD Global Underwater Explorers and GUE.tv hosted a video contest designed to celebrate the magnificent underwater world while enhancing global awareness among the diving...
This month we explore and celebrate the extraordinary life and work of cave diving pioneer, explorer, conservationist, and underwater cinematographer/ photographer Wesley C. Skiles.
How does one become an explorer? It’s a question that has nagged diving educator and innovator Guy Shockey for more than ten years. Last year, he...
Text and images by Jill Heinerth. Header image: Wes diving at his neighborhood cave, the Devil’s System, Ginnie Springs. Wes was one of the great catalysts...