California Dreamin’
Divers-cum-picture-makers Bob Evans, Kian Farin, Melissa Foo, Tianyi Lu and celebrated Marty Snyderman share their love of California diving.
Images taken by Bob Evans, Kian Farin, Melissa Foo, Tianyi Lu & Marty Snyderman. Lead image: Billowing Channel Islands kelp forest by Melissa Foo.
🎶 Predive Clicklist: The Mamas & The Papas – California Dreamin’

“In my experience there is nothing like exploring kelp forest on a day when the weather and water conditions are favorable. Few sights in nature are as awe inspiring to me as watching simmering rays of sunlight dance through a golden forest and watching the whole forest move in perfect timing with the ebb and flow of waves, current, swell, and surge. It is magical.”—Marty Snyderman

“Think of diving in a kelp forest the same as hiking beneath California’s great redwood forests. The way in which the kelp sways in the swells is like boughs of trees in the wind. Look up, and take inspiration from John Muir, who said “In every walk with (kick through?) nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”—Bob Evans

“The biggest misconception about CA diving? That the oil platforms are bad for the environment. The platforms are like a kelp forest, a canopy that offers marine life shadows to hide from predators. Like a rocky reef, the structures are an anchor through which open ocean water flows by. Food is abundant. Life optimized for different depths, deep water through tidal zones, aggregates and propagates. It also seeds the channel. The platforms are more productive than any reef remaining in the world.”—Bob Evans

“There’s so much amazing variety in marine life and underwater seascapes. Depending on the location, season and conditions you could see anything from the tiniest grain-of-rice-sized nudibranchs to towering 100ft stands of kelp forest.”—Melissa Foo

“The biggest misconception, if any, about CA diving? That California and other temperate water area lacks color and variety,”—Marty Snyderman

“When it comes to animals, it is behavior that gets my attention. I love the challenges involved in capturing behaviors. So, whether it is nudibranchs, whales, or anything in between, when I have a chance to photograph interesting behavior, I am as happy as I can be.”—Marty Snyderman

“I really feel like California is an amazing diving destination for those who are prepared for the conditions and colder water. CA has such a unique range of marine life – from teeny tiny creatures to occasional big pelagic life, majestic kelp forests, and of course, wrecks and all kinds of reef structure that are at recreational depths. Annual crazy squid runs and sea lions and harbor seals. I’m never leaving. LOL!”—Melissa Foo


Your Resource for California Diving!
California Diving News is published to support the California diving market. Because the market is so large, its health is important to the entire diving industry. The mission of CDN is to keep divers excited about diving, educated about its marine life and environments, and aware of their diving options, so that they will stay locally and internationally active. Resources in the printed publication, and at CaliforniaDivingNews.com include: Dive sites, Dive boat schedules , California dive clubs, Dive stores in the Western States, In-depth articles on local marine life, and more.

Bob Evans, MS, is a visionary, artist, underwater photographer, and designer. He has been awarded more than 30 patents, the most recent for desalinating ocean water at depths, where hydrostatic pressure powers reverse osmosis. His inspiration was a 16 mm camera housing which flooded at 120 ft photographing marine life below Platform Hondo, where he installed an Ocean Observatory. Bob is most known as developer of Force Fin, in its many variations. His Tan Delta Force Fin is part of the permanent collections of the New York Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Force Fin OPS was chosen as a “Time Magazine Innovation of the Year.” His work photo-documenting life on oil platforms, “Marine Megatropolis” is currently on exhibit at the Santa Barbara Airport. He is Former President and Director for the Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences, for which he was awarded a NOGI. He is also a Beneath the Sea, “Diver of the Year” (Science).

Zen Dive Co. co-owner and training director, Kian Farin is a PADI and NAUI instructor with a passion for the underwater world. He is a volunteer at the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber, and a former wildland firefighter. He has 10 years of experience diving in Southern California and growing the dive community by training new divers and fostering the desire to explore the underwater world. He’s been working in diving since he was 15 years old. Kian is a technical and cave diver with over 2000+ dives, the majority of which are here in Southern California. He has worked as a diver and a consultant for Disney, HBO, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic, amongst others. He is most at home cruising the kelp forests of the Channel Islands with his trusty Nikonos V in hand. When the SCUBA gear comes off, you can find him freediving or surfing our local beaches. Find his photos at: Instagram.com/kianfarin

Melissa Foo is a recreational diver based in San Diego, California who dabbles in underwater photography. A nudibranch nerd, she can be often found chasing underwater sunbeams and critter-spotting in the local kelp forests. She started diving in Taiwan many years ago. Since then she has been diving all around the world, and still believes California is one of the most rewarding places to dive when conditions are good! Her California dreaming list includes meditative sunlit moments under the golden kelp canopy, playful sea lion puppies in the autumn, and the magic of the Channel Islands on a sunny winter’s day. She posts her photos at: Instagram.com/melissa_foo_

Tianyi Lu is a technical/cave diver based in Orange County, California. Tianyi first discovered diving living in a landlocked state (Colorado) in 2019 and moved to California shortly thereafter. Tianyi is also a photography enthusiast, and regularly participates in Ghost Diving USA missions in the Los Angeles area, as both a cleanup diver as well as a photographer and videographer to document the missions and raise public awareness of the team’s efforts. Tianyi is a GUE CCR2 and Cave 2 diver. See his photos at: instagram.com/tianyi.lu

Honored with the 2018 NOGI Award by the Underwater Academy of Arts and Sciences, an EMMY Award for cinematography, a Reaching Out Award in 2008 presented by the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA), and the 2020 California Scuba Service Award, Marty Snyderman is a widely published still photographer and author who has worked to conserve and share the magic of the undersea world for more than 50 years. Marty served for two decades as the Marine Life Editor of Dive Training and the Senior Editor of California Diving News. His still photography has been used by many diving and wildlife publications, natural history museums, and aquaria. Marty has taught underwater photography in person, and as a magazine columnist for more than four decades. In the late 1990s, Marty produced Depth Perception, the first online underwater photography course. He and his partner Bob Cranston also led the first trip for sport divers to Mexico’s Guadalupe Island to photograph great white sharks. The author of 14 books, Marty is the co-owner of wisedivers.com, a website where you can see and acquire several of his books. His cinematography has been used by National Geographic, the PBS series Nature, BBC, Discovery Channel, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, and many other organizations around the world. Marty is the Photography Ambassador for Atlantis Dive Resorts and Liveaboard and an Ikelite Ambassador. He served on the Board of Trustees of the Reef Environmental Education Foundation from 2010-2019.

Little known fact: Marty Snyderman shot the cover image for the first aquaCORPS Journal: aquaCORPS #1, “UnderPressure,” published in January 1990, and helped me in the naming of the publication! There’s a story there. Thank you, Marty!—M2