Cabo de Palos is a premier diving destination on the Mediterranean.
Protected reefs thriving with marine life, historic wrecks at all depth ranges and extensive caves accessible all year round, are all world class diving attractions.
Islas Hormigas offers rental equipment and services for all your tech and cave diving needs. We have GUE JJ frames, RB80 frames, steel SM tanks, Suex scooters, 2L and 3L tanks suitable for several rebreather types, Softnolime, and a full range of standard gas mixes.
As a GUE Premium Facility, Islas Hormigas hosts all levels of GUE Recreational, Tech, Cave, and CCR classes with both resident (multi language) GUE instructors, and for all visiting instructors.
Islas Hormigas is also the home base of several project initiatives, including Project Baseline Islas Hormigas and Project Baseline Cuevas de España.
Our passion is project diving.